About Ustaz Ho Muhammad Adi
Ustaz Ho Muhammad Adi, is the Chief Executive Officer of Yameen.
Born and raised in a multi-cultural family. His Father, a Chinese Muslim convert and Mother, Indian Muslim.
He obtained Dip. in Islamic Jurisprudence (Syari'ah) and Arabic Language in Damascus, Syria.
Ustaz Ho is 32 years old and has been in Islamic teaching industry for over 12 years.
He began his teaching journey focusing on sharing effective ways in reciting and learning Al-Quraan.
This method has gathered more than 500 students.
Ustaz Ho, was formerly an Imam in Masjid Sultan and a Khatib during Friday prayers in different masjids.
Aside from teaching, he is a mentor for youths and also a trainer for marriage workshops.
He also leads Umrah trip together with Jamaah engaged by travel agency.
During lessons, his students describe him as efficient and eloquent in delivering his presentation and entertaining.
Ustaz Adi enjoys spending time with his wife, also his business partner. Finally, he has soft spots for babies.